Baltic Analog Lab
Super8 colour film (cancelled)
30-31 October, 2021
with Ieva Balode
A two-day workshop with Ieva Balode - filmmaker and member of Baltic Analog Lab will give an introduction to shooting and processing colour Super8 film with an emphasis of cross-processing. Trough a theoretical part as well as a practical hands-on, Ieva will explain the characteristics of colour motion picture film giving insight both in negative as well as reversal film specifics.
Participants will have an opportunity to learn using Super8 camera working in groups as well as individualy. We will be shooting with Kodak Vision colour negative film which will be processed in reversal chemistry.
- Introduction to colour film material and its chemical aspects
- Introduction to colour film chemistry and its various kinds
- Shooting with Super8 film camera
- Processing negative film in colour positive (reversal) chemistry
- Projectiong film on 8mm film projector
Ieva Balode is an artist and film curator working with analog image. With her works she takes part in international exhibitions and festivals presenting her work both in installation, as well as cinema and performance situation. As a curator she is a founding member of Baltic Analog Lab - artists collective providing a space and platform for analog film production, research and education. She is also a director of experimental film festival "Process" happening in Riga from year 2017.
Limited amount of participants - 10 people
Participate by sending us an email to: balticanaloglab@gmail.com
Participation fee: 50 EUR
NB! Only people with valid Covid19 certificates are allowed to take part!
Workshop is supported by Latvian State Culture Capital Foundation