Baltic Analog Lab
Hand-made slit-scan 16mm camera
4-5 March, 2023
with Nan Wang (CN/NL)
In early cinema, the slit-scan technique has been used a lot for special effects.
John Whitney use it to create the opening title of Hitchcock's film Vertigo, later the technique was developed and adapted by Douglas Trumbull for 2001: A Space Odyssey “star gate” sequence. Soon afterward, the slit-scan technique has been used again for the science-fiction television series Doctor Who opening sequence.
In this workshop, we will use slit-scan in-camera methods to create different styles and aesthetics of moving images.
By getting rid of gates and frames, we will use images as natural light sources to draw on unexposed 16mm film and later watch them as moving images.
During the first day, after a short introduction, we will start to build several hand crank 16mm slit-scan cameras. And the second day, we will start experimenting and filming with hand-made cameras. Further exploring the rhythmic characteristics of slit-scan images by trying out various camera and subject movements.
Nan Wang is a multi-disciplinary visual artist and filmmaker, her practice focuses on material-based abstract works. She often finds beauty and philosophical meanings in unwanted objects or substances and creates works that revolve around the topic of identity, technology, and social interactions. She uses both digital and analog techniques and her works take the form of interactive projection installations, optical devices, live audiovisual performances, and experimental films.
Participation fee: 50 EUR
Participation is limited to 10 members
Registration by sending e-mail: balticanaloglab@gmail.com
Workshop will be held in English
Supported by Latvian Ministry of Culture and Creative Europe’s project SPECTRAL