Baltic Analog Lab
Cameraless Light Graphics
2-3 November, 2024
with Elvira Akzigitova
Baltic Analog Lab invites you to a two day workshop with Estonian artist Elvira Akzigitova where we will explore the cameraless process of creating images using light and photosensitive materials in the darkroom.
Elvira will be demonstrating ways she learned to use light as a tool and how to assemble, capture and layer light projections. With light drawing / molding/ modulating on light-sensitive surfaces the participants are welcome to practice the process of crafting a cameraless photographic composition from beginning to end. The process is intuitive. Through exercises, experimentation and play – the participants can develop their own artistic signature and build up original images.
The workshop welcomes photographers, printmakers, analog visual artists, regardless of their darkroom experience. We will cover all relevant topics including photographic paper types, suitable chemical variations, handmade tools and light sources. Elvira will also demonstrate how to make positive images on photo paper. We will be working in black and white and in various sizes. You will be sufficiently familiar with the entire workflow, so that you continue experimenting on your own.
Elvira Akzigitova (Tallinn, 1988) is a self-taught, photo-based analogue artist and printmaker who participates in international exhibitions, festivals, and workshops. Her handcrafted optical themes feature alternative, abstract, and introspective images, decisively moving away from humanist documentary photography. With admiration for technique, process, and intuition, she employs various analogue methods to add new layers of meaning to her work.
Limited number of participants - 10 people.
Register by sending us an email to: balticanaloglab@gmail.com
Participation fee: 80 EUR
Supported by Latvian Culture Capital Foundation.