23-24 November, 2024
16mm Arriflex
16mm Arriflex
Baltic Analog Lab in collaboration with BBrental offers an unprecedented 16mm film workshop on the Arriflex SR3 with Lithuanian filmmaker Vytautas Juozenas. Over two days, Vytautas will give an insight into working with the Arriflex camera, exposing and developing 16mm colour film.

2-3 November, 2024
Cameraless Light Graphics
Cameraless Light Graphics
Baltic Analog Lab invites you to a two day workshop with Estonian artist Elvira Akzigitova where we will explore the cameraless process of creating images using light and photosensitive materials in the darkroom.

26-27 October, 2024
Large Format Photography two day workshop
Large Format Photography two day workshop
Baltic Analog Lab invites you to a two-day large-format photography workshop with BAL member Armands Andže who will be teaching two large-format photography techniques - silver gelatin dry plates and large format photography on paper.

14-15 September, 2024
Moving Stills
Moving Stills
Baltic Analog Lab invites to a creative workshop led by Spanish artist Luis Macías focused on experimentation with 35 mm slides and their projection
device, which will conclude with a collective performance.

7-8 September, 2024
Mordançage: From Black and White to Colour
Mordançage: From Black and White to Colour
Baltic Analog Lab invites you to a two day photography workshop with Canadian artist Ella Morton who will teach mordançage technique applied on photography – both black and white as well as colour.

8-9 June, 2024
16mm colour film
16mm colour film
A two-day workshop with BAL founding member Ieva Balode who will give an introduction to shooting and processing colour 16mm film using Bolex 16mm film camera with an emphasis of cross-processing as well as regular E6 Ektrachrome film processing.

18-19 May, 2024
Large format photography workshop
Large format photography workshop
Baltic Analog Lab invites you to a two-day large-format photography workshop with BAL member Armands Andže who will be teaching two large-format photography techniques - silver gelatin dry plates and large-format photography on paper.

27-28 April, 2024
Eco processing workshop
Eco processing workshop
Baltic Analog Lab invites to an eco-processing workshop for 16mm film with Etienne Caire from France. The aim of this workshop is to learn ways of making an entirely eco-friendly developer without buying any product ( no baking soda, or vitamin C) by brewing your own developer using only plants.

13-14 January, 2024
Expanded Cinema & Optical sound
Expanded Cinema & Optical sound
This creative-critical workshop will investigate the practice of expanded cinema using speculative design to explore intangible properties and compositional methods.

8.novembris -3.decembris, 2023
Analogā fotogrāfija 2023
Analogā fotogrāfija 2023
Baltic Analog Lab aicina apgūt analogās fotogrāfijas pamatus sešu nodarbību kursā ar Armandu Andži (BAL), kurā būs iespējams apgūt analogo fotogrāfiju no A-Z - darbu ar fotokameru, gaismas mērīšanu iekštelpās un ārtelpās, melnbaltās filmas attīstīšanu un fotogrāfiju kopēšanu BAL foto laboratorijā.

7-8 October 2023
Super8 Colour workshop
Super8 Colour workshop
A two-day workshop with BAL founding member Ieva Balode who will give an introduction to shooting and processing colour Super8 film with an emphasis of cross-processing as well as regular E6 Ektrachrome film processing.

19 - 20 August, 2023
16mm film shooting & printing
16mm film shooting & printing
A lightning course through DIY 16mm film-lab work from shooting to finished print. Australian experimental filmmakers Richard Tuohy and Dianna Barrie will take you on a high speed course through the many stages of do-it-yourself filmmaking.

29-30 April, 2023
Large format
Large format
Baltic Analog Lab invites you to a two-day large-format photography workshop with BAL member Armands Andže who will be teaching two large-format photography techniques - silver gelatin dry plates and large-format photography on paper.

15-16 April, 2023
DIY 16mm colour print
DIY 16mm colour print
BAL invites to a two day workshop with artist and film wizard RioJim (Etienne Caire) from Grenoble, France who will teach creative techniques of printing and processing 16mm colour film.

4-5 March, 2023
Hand-made slit-scan 16mm camera
Hand-made slit-scan 16mm camera
In this workshop, we will use slit-scan in-camera methods to create different styles and aesthetics of moving images. By getting rid of gates and frames, we will use images as natural light sources to draw on unexposed 16mm film.

19-20 novembris, 2022
16mm film Tips and Tricks
16mm film Tips and Tricks
Divu dienu radošā 16mm kino darbnīca kopā ar BAL vadītāju Ievu Balodi sniegs iespēju apgūt radošu 16mm kino filmas uzņemšanu un pašrocīgu attīstīšanu.

12. novembris - 4 decembris 2022
Analogās fotogrāfijas
Analogās fotogrāfijas
Baltic Analog Lab aicina apgūt analogās fotogrāfijas pamatus sešu nodarbību kursā ar Armandu Andži (BAL) darbā ar fotokameru, gaismas mērīšanu iekštelpās un ārtelpās, melnbaltās filmas attīstīšanu un fotogrāfiju kopēšanu BAL foto laboratorijā.

20-22 May, 2022
Two day workshop with Vytautas Juozenas - filmmaker and member of Sponge Lab in Vilnius.

14-15 May, 2022
Two day workshop with Richard Tuohy and Dianna Barrie who will introduce chromaflex techniques of processing on 16mm film whereby colour-positive, colour-negative, and black-and-white are developed so as to be apparent within the same frame.

23-24 April, 2022
Hand-Made Emulsion
Hand-Made Emulsion
Two day workshop with Esther Urlus who will introduce silver gelatine black and white emulsion making process, techniques of applying the emulsion on 16mm film, exposing and developing.

18-19 December, 2021
Light Graphic Luminogram
Light Graphic Luminogram
Two day workshop led by Berlin based Estonian artist Elvira Akzigitova teaching creative luminogram and electric photography techniques in darkroom.

8-12 December, 2021
Analogue photography course that will teach all the tips and tricks about analog photography printing in the darkroom. The course will be led by Armands Andže - member of Baltic Analog Lab.

30-31 October, 2021
Super8 colour film (cancelled)
Super8 colour film (cancelled)
Two day workshop with Ieva Balode - filmmaker and member of Baltic Analog Lab will give an introduction to shooting and processing colour Super8 film with an emphasis of cross-processing.

2-3 October, 2021
Cross-processing photography
Cross-processing photography
Two day workshop with artist Patrice Baunov who will introduce colour photography by experimenting with ‘’wrong’’ processing methods – cross process, reversal process, washing film emulsion in soap and other synthetic and organic materials.

Oct-Nov, 2021
Analogue Photography
Analogue Photography
Within six sessions participants will acquire knowledge in using analogue photo camera, light meter,basic chemistry for film processing of black and white photographic film and film printing in darkroom.

14-15 August, 2021
Expanded Cinema
Expanded Cinema
As part of EFF "Process" we are offering an exclusive expanded cinema workshop with Ojoboca (Anja Dornieden, Juan David González Monroy, DE.)

9-10 jūlijs, 2021
Botāniskā Cianotipija
Botāniskā Cianotipija
Ārtelpu darbnīca
Baltic Analog Lab aicina uz radošo cianotipijas darbnīcu dabā Gaujas Nacionālā parkā, kopā ar bioloģi Dignu Pilāti.

5-6 jūnijs, 2021
Lielformāta fotogrāfija
Lielformāta fotogrāfija
Ārtelpu darbnīca
Baltic Analog Lab ar prieku paziņo darbnīcu atsākšanos klātienē, BAL pagalmā – divu dienu ārtelpu darbnīca lielformāta fotogrāfijas apgūšanai ar Armandu Andži (BAL), kurā būs iespējams apgūt divas lielformāta fotogrāfijas tehnikas - sudraba želantīna sausās plates un papīra fotogrāfiju.

13-21 novembris, 2020
Analogā fotogrāfija
Analogā fotogrāfija
Baltic Analog Lab jau otro reizi aicina apgūt analogās fotogrāfijas pamatus četru nodarbību kursā ar Armandu Andži (BAL), kurā būs iespējams apgūt analogo fotogrāfiju no A-Z - darbu ar fotokameru un attēla veidošanas procesu.

10-11 October, 2020
16mm and Super8 EXPIRED
16mm and Super8 EXPIRED
Baltic Analog Lab invites for a two day workshop with Vytautas Juozėnas who will share his knowledge in shooting and processing expired soviet films produced by Orwo, Svema etc - films that are still possible to shoot and process in a very creative way.

17-26 septembris, 2020
Analog photography
Analog photography
Baltic Analog Lab aicina apgūt analogās fotogrāfijas pamatus divu nedēļu kursā ar Armandu Andži (BAL), kurā būs iespējams apgūt analogo fotogrāfiju no A-Z - darbu ar fotokameru.

13-14 June, 2020
16mm Cross Processing
16mm Cross Processing
Two day workshop with Lithuanian filmmaker and member of Sponge Lab - Vytautas Juozenas will give an introduction to shooting and processing colour 16mm film with an emphasis of cross-processing.

12 maijs, 2020
Ekoprocesa tiešsaistes
Ekoprocesa tiešsaistes
Baltic Analog Lab piedāvā ekskluzīvu bezmaksas radošo darbnīcu onlainā Baltic Analog Lab Facebook lapā, kurā tiks attīstītas trīs melnbaltās filmas trīs ekoloģiskos attīstītājos – kafijā, puķēs un Nurme Brewery alus darītavas aliņā.

7-8 March, 2020
16mm FILM
16mm FILM
Two day 16mm film workshop with BAL leading member Ieva Balode will teach you shooting and processing of 16mm black and white film. The emphasis of the workshop will be on shooting with 16mm camera and it's various speeds

14-15 December, 2019
Polaroid photography workshop
Polaroid photography workshop
Shortly before Christmas, Baltic Analog Lab invites you to our last workshop this year teaching experimental Polaroid photography with Florentijn Boddendijk from Netherlands for all those of you willing to make special Christmas presents.

7-8 December, 2019
Large format photography
Large format photography
Two day photography workshop with Vytautas Juozenas (LT) and Armands Andže (LV/BAL), teaching two large format photography techniques - silver gelatine plate and positive paper photography.

5-6 October, 2019
16mm cross-processing
16mm cross-processing
Two-day workshop with Brazilian filmmaker and member of Labor Berlin collective - Melissa Dullius will give an introduction to shooting and processing colour 16mm film with an emphasis of cross-processing.

7 July, 2019
16mm eco processing
16mm eco processing
Baltic Analog Lab invites for a day workshop with our returning friend Karel Doing from England who will teach us this time shooting and developing 16mm b/w film with local flowers.

10-11 May, 2019
16mm contact printing
16mm contact printing
Baltic Analog Lab is pleased to welcome back a fantastic Australian duo - Richard Tuohy and Dianna Barrie to give a two day hands on workshop in exploring the DIY 16mm colour contact printing techniques using 16mm Steenbeck editing table, 16mm colour print film and ECP colour process.

27-28 April, 2019
Cross-process workshop
Cross-process workshop
Two day workshop will provide an introduction to colour photography by experimenting with ‘’wrong’’ processing methods – cross process, reversal process, washing film emulsion in soap and other synthetic and organic materials.

16-17 March, 2019
Alternative Emulsions
Alternative Emulsions
Shortly before Process festival on 16-17 March,2019 filmmaker Esther Urlus (WORM Filmwerkplaats, Rotterdam) will give a two day workshop teaching Alternative Emulsions workshop for 16mm film.

23-24 February, 2019
16mm Bolex workshop
16mm Bolex workshop
Two day 16mm Bolex film workshop with filmmaker and director of LKA National Filmschool Jānis Putniņš and BAL leading member Ieva Balode will teach you shooting and processing of 16mm black and white film.

9-10 February, 2019
Luminogram workshop
Luminogram workshop
Baltic Analog Lab and Berlin based Estonian artist Elvira Akzigitova invites to participate in a two day workshop teaching creative luminogram and electric photography techniques in darkroom.

19-20 janvāris, 2019
Skaņas darbnīca
Radošās darbnīcas ”TAPEMIXER” mērķis ir darbības procesā atklāt sevī īpašās uzmanības un izziņas spējas, kas ikdienas “lielajās lietās” ir apslēpušās un iesnaudušās.

10-11 novembris, 2018
Sound As Space/ Sound As Language
Sound As Space/ Sound As Language
Radošās darbnīcas ”Skaņu Telpa / Skaņu Valoda” mērķis ir darbības procesā atklāt sevī īpašās uzmanības un izziņas spējas.

13-14 October, 2018
Colour workshop with Tomaž Burlin
Colour workshop with Tomaž Burlin
Two day workshop will approach the principles of colour 16mm film, we will discuss light, perception and characteristics of colour and more specifically the colour in motion picture colour film, negative, reversal and positive.

2-3 August, 2018
Organic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Two day workshop will offer a practical introduction to organic chemistry and plant-based direct-on film animation. The workshop will take place in the yard of Baltic Analog Lab, using its herbs, flowers and other plants as film ingredients both for creating images, as well as processing film material in organic, flower-based way.

13 May, 2018
Darkroom Experiments
Darkroom Experiments
Riga Photomonth in collaboration with Baltic Analog Lab is offering a one-day workshop on experimental photography, led by artist Ieva Balode, a keen specialist in analog photographic techniques and alternative processes

17-18 March, 2018
Cameraless film workshop
Cameraless film workshop
Shortly before Process festival French filmmaker Gaëlle Rouard will give a two day workshop teaching 16mm cameraless film technique at Baltic Analog Lab.

17-18 February, 2018
Experimental photography
Experimental photography
Experimental photography workshop with Ieva Balode who is a founding member of Baltic Analog Lab - artist and film curator who works with analog image exploring it's physical, photo-chemical as well as contextual qualities.

20-21 Jaunary, 2018
16mm Film
16mm Film
16mm black and white film workshop with Lithuanian filmmaker Vytautas Juozenas.

11 un 12 novembrī, 2017
16mm Chromaflex
16mm Chromaflex
Baltic Analog Lab viesosies Ričards Tuijs (Richard Tuohy) un Dianna Barija (Dianna Barrie) no Austrālijas, Melnburnas, lai pasniegtu divu dienu radošo darbnīcu, kuras laikā tiks apgūts viņu pašu izveidotais "cromaflex" process.

August 2017
Ezera Skaņas Summer Camp
Ezera Skaņas Summer Camp
August 2017 We were invited to lead a week long super8 summer camp for 10 selected participants during Ezera Skaņas Summer Camp.

14 July, 2017
Eco-Processing workshop
Eco-Processing workshop
The first warm up party with our lab members and friends hosting wonderful human beings Paolo and Lisa from Echo Park Film Center giving us eco processing workshop.

The summer of 2017
Workshop with Echo Park Film Center
Workshop with Echo Park Film Center
This summer 2017 we welcomed lovely friends Paolo and Lisa of Echo Park Film Center in our lab to lead Sound We See Riga project of which we were collaborators between Arterritory and EPCF.