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Summer School

8-14 August, 2022, Latvia

SPECTRAL Summer School

Rucka Artist Residency, Cēsis

Baltic Analog Lab


Baltic Analog Lab announces an open call for a week-long Summer school and a film-labs meeting for filmmakers and artists working with extended cinematic art. The school will happen in Rucka artist residency and a manor house in Cēsis, Latvia from August 8-14, 2022 hosting 45 guests from all around Europe.

The aim of this summer school is to unite professionals as well as beginners working in the field of extended cinematic art. BAL provides a space for research, creation, presentation as well as networking which is crucial for those working in artist-run film labs. Together with members of the SPECTRAL project, BAL will organize workshops and lectures focusing on the creation of expanded cinema works. The results will be presented in natural environment of Cesis municipality – Gauja National Park and Cesis city by the end of the week.

We invite artists and filmmakers to apply for the school by July 8, 2022 by submitting their application in our website. Participation fee is 250 EUR and will cover accommodation in the manor house, 3 meals a day, material costs during the workshops. We also provide a small grant covering the travel costs which will be assessed by the travel distance.
In order to reach underrepresented communities* (e.g.the Middle East, Africa, Latin America, India and Asia etc) , as well as areas where the film labs network is not established, we also offer a grant for one person to attend the school ( working in the field of film, performing and visual arts). We will assess the strength of application by reviewing persons previous experience working with photochemical, performative arts, their future visions, as well as their motivation to participate.

*We define these communities as communities that have been historically marginalized by virtue of their ability, citizenship status, ethnicity, gender identity, race, religion, or sexual orientation.

The school is organized by the artist-run film lab Baltic Analog Lab (BAL) and funded by the Creative Europe project “SPECTRAL'' uniting six artist-run film labs from Europe - WORM.Filmwerkplaats (Rotterdam, NL), Mire (Nantes, FR), Baltic Analog Lab (Riga, LV), LaborBerlin (Berlin, DE) Crater Lab (Barcelona, ES), Laia (Porto,PT).

Cost: 250 EUR
Number of participants: 45
Apply by July 8
Announcement of participants July 11

More info and applications:

Project is funded by Creative Europe and co-funded by Latvian State Culture Capital Foundation

Šonedēļ, no 8. līdz 14. augustam Cēsīs, Ruckas mākslas rezidencē notiek biedrības Baltic Analog Lab organizētā SPECTRAL/BAL Vasaras skola, kas veltīta paplašinātā kino (expanded cinema) mākslas praksei. Tajā pulcējušies mākslinieki no visas pasaules, nedēļu ilgā radošā procesā radot performatīvus audiovizuālus darbus, kas tiks prezentēti 13. augustā Cīrulīšu dabas takā pie Spoguļu klintīm. Savukārt ceturtdien, 11. augustā Cēsu Koncertzāles kino teātrī Kino Cēsis notiks performanču vakars,kurā uzstāsies pieci mākslinieki ar audio-vizuālām performancēm.

Šogad vasaras skola notiek projekta SPECTRAL ietvaros, kas vieno sešas Eiropas analogā kino laboratorijas - WORM.Filmwerkplaats (Roterdama), Mire (Nante), Baltic Analog Lab (Rīga), LaborBerlin (Berlīne) Crater Lab (Barselona), Laia (Porto) - kuru biedri līdzdarbosies, pasniedzot dažādas ar paplašināto kino saistītas darbnīcas. Skolā piedalās 40 dalībnieki no Francijas, Argentīnas, Indijas, ASV, Čīles, Austrijas, Vācijas, Nīderlandes, Portugāles, Kanādas, Horvātijas, Brazīlijas, Meksikas, Spānijas u.c., pārstāvot 20 analogā kino laboratorijas.

Ceturtdienas pasākumā gaidāmas piecas performances, kurās tiks izmantoti analogie kino un slaidu projektori, mijiedarbībā ar audiālām kompozīcijām, kā arī analogo lāzeru šovu.


“Dadas meita/Dada’s Daughter”
Sara Sowell (ASV)
1 x 16mm projektors + objekti

“Kaisles auglis/Passion Fruit”
Éloïse Baille (Francija)
2 x Super8 projektori

Bernhard Rasinger (Austrija)
Modulāro sintezatoru ģenerēts lāzeršovs

“Filmiskais korpuss, performance nr. 2/ Filmic Corpus, perfromance 2”
Natalia Salazar (Spānija)
3 x 16mm projektori

“Acis tukšas un zīlītes degošas niknumā un iekārē/ The Eyes Empty and the Pupils Burning of Rage and Desire”
Luis Macias (Spānija)
2 x 16mm projektori + ārējie slēģi

Ieeja bez maksas

Pasākumu finansē Radošā Eiropa un Valsts Kultūrkapitāla Fonds

SPECTRAL Summer School
SPECTRAL Summer School
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