25 April, 2024, Latvia
Performance evening
and artist talk
Baltic Analog Lab
with Teemu Kiiskilä (FI) & Darn Thorn (IE)
Performance evening & artist talk
with Darn Thorn (IE) and Teemu Kiiskilä (FI)
25 April, 2024, 19:00, BAL
Baltic Analog Lab invites to an artist talk and audio performance evening with our current artist-in residence Teemu Kiiskilä - electronic musician from Finland and Darn Thorn – photographer and filmmaker from Ireland.
Darn Thorn (Darran McCrann) is an artist based in Ireland who works with photomedia to create installation works for exhibition. Many of his works contain both digital and analogue elements, incorporating camera film and digital post-production. He has taken part in many group exhibitions across Ireland, UK and USA and has lectured in Fine Art & Photography since 2004.
Darn Thorn typically makes large scale photo media works and usually exhibits in a gallery context. A central focus of his work is post WWII Europe and how architecture reflected a utopian vision for a future society. His work considers the failure of the modernist project and posits that the radical form it took in the mid-late 20th century was a manifestation of societal trauma and an attempt to begin anew. His works draw on the legacy of science fiction cinema, the history of landscape in photography and Romanticism and its association with the theme of the sublime in art. The talk will take the form of an ‘open studio’ where completed and works in progress will be presented in the format of a short presentation followed by a discussion.
Teemu is a multi-instrumentalist in the fields of sampling, guitar electronism, looping and field recordings.
He has been working under musician names such as Ernesto Aeroflot, Instant Stasis, HGMPIT and Teemu Kiiskilä Elektroninen.
He has also been a member in bands such as UTU, Minä ja Nieminen, Masterendi, Dark Bottle, Flags of Unity, Ylinen ja Alinen, At The End, Junkus Minor. Since year 2000 he has been releasing music as an independent artist.
Currently working as an independent musician/artist alongside being an assistant art director and set builder in movie industry.
In his residency Teemu works with cassette tapes he has been recording for more than ten years. The tapes he is using have been recorded all around Europe. Some sounds were caught in concerts, some on the road, some he had to travel for, some happened just there where he had the recorder. He is now compiling the material gathered and making new combinations of various sounds.
These compilations he will then further process in live performances as well as fixed installations in spaces.
The next project will be in arthouse project Muutos.art in Tampere, Finland summer 2024. The main device in recording process has been a monophonic dictaphone. He is running the found audio fragments to an analog cassette four-track recorder using some effects such as pitch shifting, delay and reverb. The four recorded tracks have been further processed on the monophonic devices or mixinged as a compilation on the four track.
There will be some live projections by BAL members too.
Free entry
There will be drinks for donations