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Films and performances

20 July, 2024, Latvia

BAL Yard Celebration

Baltic Analog Lab

with BAL Film School, Oona Libens


Saturday, August 20, Baltic Analog Lab invites you to our annual Yard Celebration in the yard of the association, Lienes street 19a, to celebrate the finale of the international BAL film school with a film screening and a performance "Nausea" by our guest from Sweden - Oona Libens.

This year, BAL film school had its fourth edition hosting 70 participants from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Great Britain, Denmark, Canada, Belgium, Germany, Poland, Italy, Ukraine, Spain, India, Saudi Arabia, Kenya, Portugal took part., Brazil, Portugal, Australia, Ireland, etc., who during five months met filmmakers and researchers working in field of experimental film, and also participated in three workshops in Riga and Rotterdam, learning shooting, processing, duplicating and projecting 16mm film with an emphasis on working with experimental film structure.

This year's Yard celebration will feature experimental films made by the school's participants, which were hand-processed in the BAL laboratory and projected both in their original analog formats, as well as scanned and projected digitally.

As our this years special guest – BAL school participant Oona Libens will present her expanded cinema performance “Nausea” . Oona Libens is a Belgian-Swedish artist that uses light and shadow as her medium whether it is used in performative work or in two- or three dimensional objects. In her intimate performances Oona develops a distinctly crafted universe, while creating a dialogue between historic and recent media phenomena — from shadow theatre as the most primitive form of moving image, over the magic lantern, the computer or TV-screen. With her performances Oona Libens tries to expand our experience of the image and the screen, to create an analogue virtual reality and to make an entertainment machine that is slow, hesitates, falters and fails.

Our dear friends and neighbors - Nurme brewery will take care of little beer bar!

Free entry

Supported by Latvian State Culture Capital Foundation and Riga City Council

BAL Yard Celebration
BAL Yard Celebration
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