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27 February, 2025, Latvia

Artists in Residence: Alison Piper +  Alex Schuurbiers

Baltic Analog Lab


Baltic Analog Lab aicina uz tikšanos un filmu skati ar divām pašreizējām rezidentēm - Alison Piper un Alex Schuurbiers. Mākslinieces demonstrēs rezidencē tapušās 16mm un 8mm filmas to “work in progress” stadijā, kā arī savus iepriekšējos darbus.

Alison Piper ir skotu māksliniece, kas vairākus mēnešu pavadījusi Ukrainā kā brīvprātīgā. Dzīvojot un strādājot frontes līnijas tuvumā arī tapis izejmateriāls viņas darbam “Enduring Landscapes", kas pēta kara atstātās sekas uz vidi, īpaši uz Doņeckas apgabala lauksaimniecības un rūpniecības ciematiem. Alison savā darbā izmanto gan tiešo animāciju uz 16 mm filmas, gan dubulto 8 mm stop-motion, veidojot teksturētus neaizsargāto ainavu portretus, tajos iestrādājot materiālus no kara skartām vietām – augsni, putekļus, veģetācijas fragmentus.

Alex Schuurbiers ir fotogrāfe un videomāksliniece no Nīderlandes, kas dzīvo un stradā Antverpenē Beļģijā. Alex ir arī kolektīva “Ursula” dibinātāja Antverpenē, kas apvieno sieviešu kopienu, kas strādā ar kustīgo attēlu. Viņa ir pievērsusies kino-esejām, kas pēta balsi un tās apklusināšanu, savijot stāstus par sieviešu izdzīvotspēju (resilience) dažādos laikos un vietās.

Pasākumā jūs redzēsiet Alex eksperimentālo dokumentālo filmu “Song of Homecoming” (2023), kā arī vēl nepabeigto darbu “Placeholder”. Abas filmas ir filmētas uz super8 un 8mm, tās tiks projecētas digitāli.

Pasākums notiks Baltic Analog Lab 2. stāva rezidences telpās, Lienes ielā 19a.

Pasākuma valoda: angļu.

Pasākuma sākums plkst. 19:00

Ieeja bezmaksas

Baltic Analog Lab rezidenci atbalsta Valsts Kultūrkapitāla fonds.


Baltic Analog Lab invites to an artist talk with our current artists-in-residence Alison Piper and Alex Schuurbiers. They will present their works they have been working on during the residency.

Alison Piper is a Scottish filmmaker and visual artist. Her current project reflects on the war in Ukraine, where she spent eighteen-months living and working in both Kharkiv and Donetsk regions. At the event she will be presenting her ongoing work on film "Enduring Landscapes", which is a deeply personal project that documents the environmental toll of the war in Ukraine, focusing on agricultural and industrial villages in Donetsk Oblast. Through both direct animation on 16mm film, and double-8mm stop motion, she is to create textured portraits of vulnerable landscapes, embedding materials from war-touched places—soil, dust, fragments of vegetation.

Alex Schuurbiers is photographer and filmmaker from the Netherlands living and working in Belgium. Alex is also the founding member of Ursula, a collective of women working with the moving image in Antwerp. She is currently working on cine-essays about voice and silencing, intertwining tales of resilience of women across generations and places. Her practice originally stems from creating portraits: of places, of people, of memories. Alex: “I am very interested in memory, how it sustains our identity, and how I can depict these complex systems as accurately as possible.” At BAL she continues this research using mordançage, film soup, burying film, and making photograms with organic materials.

Alex will show her experimental documentary “Song of Homecoming” (2023) as well as a work in progress, “Placeholder”. Both films are filmed on super8 and 8mm, will be projected digitally.

The event will take place in the Baltic Analog Lab 2nd floor residence rooms, Lienes iela 19a.

Event language: English.

Event begins at 19:00

Free admission.

Baltic Analog Lab Residency is supported by Latvian State Culture Capital Foundation 

Artists in Residence: Alison Piper +  Alex Schuurbiers
Artists in Residence: Alison Piper +  Alex Schuurbiers
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