Artists in Residence: Alison Piper + Alex Schuurbiers
27 February, 2025, Latvia
Baltic Analog Lab
Baltic Analog Lab invites to an artist talk with our current artists-in-residence Alison Piper and Alex Schuurbiers. They will present their works they have been working on during the residency.
7. February, 2025, Latvia
Baltic Analog Lab
Baltic Analog Lab invites you to an unprecedented event at our Lienes Street 19a, where our favorite Latvian post-metal band - Tesa - will perform together with BAL members.
Artist in Residence: Mia Felić
28. November, 2024
Baltic Analog Lab
Baltic Analog Lab invites you to the closing installation of our current artist-in-residence, Mia Felić (HR) the public presentation will take place on the second floor.
Artists in Residence: Oona Libens and Romance
30 October, 2024, Latvia
Baltic Analog Lab
Baltic Analog Lab aicina uz prezentācijām un sarunu ar mūsu pašreizējām rezidējošajām māksliniecēm Oonu Libensu (Oona Libens) un Šarloti Klermonu (Charlotte Clermont). Viņas iepazīstinās ar saviem darbiem, kas ir tapuši rezidences laikā.
"Lightning in a Jar"
27.oktobris, 2024, Latvija
Rīgas mākslas telpa
Izstādi “Kā (pie)rakstīt gaismu” noslēgs performance ar improvizācijas elementiem. Tajā tiks reflektēts par to, kā gaisma kļūst redzama tikai saskarsmē ar fiziskiem priekšmetiem, bet pati par sevi ir neredzama, atbildot uz izstādes jautājumu - kā pierakstīt gaismu.
15 - 17 October, 2024
LUFF, Switzerland
Baltic Analog Lab in collaboration with LUFF festival in Switzerland presents expanded cinema performance evening with performing artists Jan Kulka (CZ), Natalia Kozieł-Kalliomäki (FI), Ieva Balode (LV) and Biliana Voutchkova (BG/DE)
18 September, 2024
Fylkingen, Sweden
Artists-run film collective Baltic Analog Lab from Riga Latvia in collaboration with AVANT event and Fylkingen presents expanded cinema performance evening “SPECTRAL Expanded” with three international artists presenting three audio-visual works using analog projectors and sound.
Kā (pie)rakstīt gaismu: Baltic Analog Lab kolektīva izstāde
7. septembris, 2024, Latvia
Rīgas Mākslas Telpa
No šī gada 7. septembra līdz 27. oktobrim izstāžu zāle “Rīgas Laikmetīgās mākslas telpa” aicina apmeklēt Baltic Analog Lab kolektīva izstādi “Kā (pie)rakstīt gaismu”.
Open Call
SPECTRAL Residency Open Call 2024
October 2024, Latvia
Baltic Analog Lab
Within the framework of the SPECTRAL* project, Baltic Analog Lab is offering a paid month-long residency during October 2024 for artists working with photochemical film to develop a live expanded cinema performance piece.
BAL kino performanču nakts
11. augustā, 22:00
Līču skola, Mazsalaca, Latvija
Biedrība “Baltic Analog Lab” aicina uz kino performanču vakaru 11. augustā plkst. 22:00 Līču skolā, Ramantas pagastā aiz Mazsalacas, kur ar analogā kino performancēm uzstāsies vairāk nekā 30 starptautiski mākslinieki.
25 July, 2024
MO Museum, Lithuania
Baltic Analog Lab in collaboration with Suspaustas Laikas festival in Vilnus, Lithuania presents expanded cinema program at MO Museum with two performances - ORDERED FRAME CHAOS by Marek Pluciennik (FI) and Başak Günak (TR/DE) and EYE ARDENTIA by Miguel Puertas (ES)
Films and performances
BAL Yard Celebration
20 July, 2024, Latvia
Baltic Analog Lab
Saturday, August 20, Baltic Analog Lab invites you to our annual Yard Celebration in the yard of the association, Lienes street 19a, to celebrate the finale of the international BAL film school with a film screening and a performance "Nausea" by our guest from Sweden - Oona Libens.
Artist talk and screening
11 July, 2024, Latvia
Baltic Analog Lab
Baltic Analog Lab invites to an artist talk with our current artist-in residence - Jacob Kessler from Unied States. Jacob’s artist talk will discuss his practice involving collaborative docufictions and representing experience through the material of celluloid.
Performance evening
and artist talk
25 April, 2024, Latvia
Baltic Analog Lab
Performance evening & artist talk with Darn Thorn (IE) and Teemu Kiiskilä (FI)
25 April, 2024, 19:00, BAL
Performance Night
The Battery Of Inquest
March 28, 2024, Latvia
Baltic Analog Lab
Baltic Analog Lab invites you to an expanded cinema performance evening with our current art residency particiapnt Jordan James Kaye from Australia, who will present his film work, created during the residency.
Performance Night
7 March, 2024, Finland
WHS Theater, Helsinki
Artists-run film collective Baltic Analog Lab (Riga,LV) in collaboration with Filmwerkstaden (Vaasa/FI) and WHS Theater presents second expanded cinema performance evening “SPECTRAL Expanded” with four artists presenting four audio-visual works using 16mm film projectors and live sound.
Experiments For A Single Projector
5 March, 2024, Latvia
Baltic Analog Lab
Baltic Analog Lab invites for an expanded cinema evening with our special guest from Canada – Alex MacKenzie who will present expaned cinema program “Experiments For a Single Projector” using 16mm film projector for six expanded cinema performances.
SPECTRAL/Expanding North
5 November, 2023, Latvia
Baltic Analog Lab
Baltic Analog Lab invites you to a performance evening with our two resident artists of the SPECTRAL/Expanding North project - Marek Waldemar Pluciennik from Finland and Başak Günak from Turkey, who are participating in our residency this October.
Open Call
BAL Residency
2023-2024, Latvia
Baltic Analog Lab
Baltic Analog Lab announces a new artist-in residence program for artists and researchers working with photochemical film – both photographers and filmmakers with experience in working in a darkroom and with analog devices.
Expanded cinema evening
17 October, 2023, Latvia
Baltic Analog Lab
Baltic Analog Lab invites to meet our artist-in residence – Jan Kulka (Czech Republic) who takes part in our SPECTRAL/Expanding North project residency this October.
SPECTRAL/Expanding North performances
19-23 September 2023, Sweden
Stockholm and Karlstad, Sweden
Baltic Analog Lab in collaboration with AVANT festival and artist-run space Glada Sprutan presents “SPECTRAL/Expanding North performances” – two audio-visual expanded cinema performance events taking place in Stockholm and Karlstad in Sweden September 2023.
Film Screening
Latvian Experimental
9 September 2023, Finland
at WHS Teatteri Union, Helsinki
BAL founder Ieva Balode will be presenting a film program of the latest experimental films made by authors from Latvia who not only choose to work with photochemical film but also create experimental narratives and engage with film's materiality and structure. The program showcases works by members of Baltic Analog Lab and authors who are somehow connected to it.
Open Call
SPECTRAL artist residency
October 2023, Latvia
Baltic Analog Lab
Within the framework of the SPECTRAL* and Expanding North* projects, Baltic Analog Lab is offering a month-long residency for two artists - one international and one from one of the Nordic countries* working with photochemical film, expanded cinema practice as well as sound and multidisciplinary works.
Yard celebration
19 August 2023, Latvia
Baltic Analog Lab
Baltic Analog Lab invites you to our annual Yard celebration in our yard at Lienes street 19a to celebrate the closing of the BAL Film School with a film screening, in which both local and international members of the BAL Film School will participate with their films.
Performance Night
11 August 2023, Lithuania
Hofas, Klaipeda, Lithuania
Suspaustas Laikas in collaboration with Baltic Analog Lab presents “SPECTRAL Expanded” – audio-visual expanded cinema performance evening with an artists duo Adriana Vila Guevara and Adriano Galante from Spain and an artist from France – Riojim who will present their works using analog projectors as live, performative tools that allows artist to engage with a machine and their artistic material – analogue film.
Performance Night
SPECTRAL Expanded March
7 March 2023, Finland
WHS Theater, Finland
An audio-visual expanded cinema performance evening with an artists duo Ojoboca from Germany and an artist from France – Riojim who will present their works using analog projectors as live, performative tools that allows artist to engage with a machine and their artistic material – analogue film.
Open Call
Residency SPECTRAL
3 February 2023, Finland
Filmverkstaden, Finland
Within the framework of the SPECTRAL* project, Baltic Analog Lab in collaboration with Filmverkstaden in Finland is offering a month-long residency for artists working with photochemical film to develop an expanded cinema work - live performance, installation work or sculpture incorporating analog film medium.
Kino vakars
Baltic Analog Lab 5 gadu jubileja
16. novembris, 2022, Latvija
Baltic Analog Lab
Trešdien, 16.novembrī plkst. 19:00 biedrība un mākslinieku kolektīvs Baltic Analog Lab aicina nosvinēt savu piecu gadu jubileju BAL telpās Lienes ielā 19a.
Kino vakars
Veļu laika kino vakars
28. oktobris, 2022, Latvija
Baltic Analog Lab
Vēl nebijis kino seanss Veļu laika noskaņās, kurās tiks rādītas BAL arhīvā atrastās vēsturiskās nezināmo autoru filmas. To noslēpumu plīvuru atsegs pieaicināts ekstrasenss, interpretējot filmā redzamos personāžus un notikumus.
Film Screening
AVANT 2022
23-24 September 2022, Sweden
Karlstad, Kristinehamn, Sweden
We are pleased to announce the 2022 edition of AVANT event in Karlstad and Kristinehamn, Sweden which this and the coming years happens in collaboration with Baltic Analog Lab and SPECTRAL project co-funded by Creative Europe.
Film Screening
Suspaustas laikas 2022
21 July 2022, Lithuania
Vilnius, Lithuania
The festival Suspaustas laikas'22 will be opened by a program compiled by Baltic Analog Lab in the cultural complex SODAS 2123 in Vilnius.
Performance Night
SPECTRAL Final Performance
13 August 2022, Latvia
Spoguļu klintis, Cēsis
SPECTRAL Vasaras Skolas performatīvu audiovizuālus darbus prezentācija notiks 13. augustā Cīrulīšu dabas takā pie Spoguļu klintīm.
Performance Night
SPECTRAL performances
11. augusts, 2022, Latvija
Kino Cēsis
Ceturtdienas pasākumā SPECTRAL vasaras skolas ietvaros gaidāmas piecas performances, kurās tiks izmantoti analogie kino un slaidu projektori, mijiedarbībā ar audiālām kompozīcijām, kā arī analogo lāzeru šovu.
Summer School
SPECTRAL Summer School
8-14 August, 2022, Latvia
Rucka Artist Residency, Cēsis
Baltic Analog Lab announces an open call for a week-long Summer school and a film-labs meeting for filmmakers and artists working with extended cinematic art.
Vasaras skolas atklāšana
SPECTRAL Atmiņas un analoģijas
8. augusts, 2022, Latvija
MALA, Cēsis
Baltic Analog Lab aicina pievienoties SPECTRAL/ BAL Vasaras skolas atklāšanas pasākumam “Atmiņas un analoģijas” pirmdien, 8.augustā plkst. 21:00 Mākslas telpā MALA.
Baltic Analog Lab Meklē Lietvedi
30. jūnijs, 2022, Latvija
Baltic Analog Lab
Baltic Analog Lab meklē jauku un precīzu lietvedi nepilna laika darbam ar biedrības lietvedības dokumentu kārtošanu.
Filmu skate
Roka un mašīna
15 May 2022, Latvia
Baltic Analog Lab
Baltic Analog Lab atklāj savu filmu pasākumu sezonu BAL telpā Lienes ielā ar filmu programmu "Roka un mašīna"- ar rokām veidotas 16mm filmas no Austrālijas ar autoru - Ričarda Tūija un Diānas Berijas (Richard Tuohy,Dianna Barrie) klātbūtni.
Film Screening
Baltic Experimental Films in Canada
28-31 March 2022, Canada
Toronto/Montreal, Canada
The programme includes works by established experimental filmmakers who shoot their films on 16mm and 8mm film formats, as well as an ever-growing numbers of new authors.
Film Screening
Eksperimentālā kino pirmsākumi Latvijā
29 December 2021, Latvia
Kino K.Suns, Riga
Biedrība “Baltic Analog Lab” aicina uz projekta “Eksperimentālā kino pirmsākumi Latvijā” prezentāciju un filmu skati 29. decembrī plkst. 19:00 k/t K.Suns kopā ar filmu autoriem.
Amateur filmmaking in the Latvian SSR
12 November 2021, online
Baltic Analog Lab invites to our second public event this year – this time an online lecture on November 12 at 7pm (GMT+2) with a film researcher Inese Strupule who will read a lecture in English about amateur film movement in Soviet Latvia.
Film Screening
Film screening in Poland
6 November, 2021, Poland
U-jazdowski Kino, Warsaw, Poland
Ieva Balode is bringing a film programme of Baltic Experimental films to Contemporary art centre and a lovely cinema U-jazdowski Kino in Warsaw, Poland.
Film Screening
18-22 August 2021, Latvia
Nurme Brewery, Kino Bize, Baltic Analog Lab, Riga
Eksperimentālā kino festivāls “Process” notiks Rīgā no 18. līdz 22. augustam, ceturto reizi piedāvājot daudzveidīgu avangarda kino programmu ar filmu skatēm, lekcijām, diskusijām un audiovizuālām paplašinātā kino (expanded cinema) performancēm.
Natural Phenomena – Final Show
9 August 2020, Latvia
Rucka Art Residency Centre
Svētdien, 9. augustā, plkst 16.00 Ruckas muižā un tās parkā notiks dalībnieku radītu darbu – filmu, fotogrāfiju sēriju un instalāciju – prezentācija.
Summer School
Natural Phenomena
2-9 August 2020, Latvia
Rucka Art Residency Centre
We are excited to announce that the United ISSP and Baltic Analog Lab Summer School will take place from 2 to 9 August at Rucka Art Residency Centre in Cēsis!
Kino Vakars
BAL Summer Screening
29. jūlijs, 2020, Latvija
Baltic Analog Lab
Turpinot pērnā gada tradīcijas, Baltic Analog Lab biedri aicina uz šīs vasaras saviesīgo draudzēšanās kino vakaru 29. jūlijā pulksten 19:00 ar grilla ballīti un mūziku vakara turpinājumā.
Film Festival
Suspaustas Laikas festival 2020
24 July 2020, Lithuania
Nida, Lithuania
Baltic Analog Lab takes part in experimental film festival "Suspaustas laikas" in Nida, Lithuania. Film programme of BAL female members: Ieva Balode, Signe Birkova and Lāsma Bērtule.
Process pre-party
24 July 2021, Latvia
Nurme Brewery, Riga
On 24th July experimental film festival Process is organising a pre-party to warm up the audience for the upcoming festival in August (18-22), and meet each other face-to-face after a long time of not seeing each other.
Meklē arhīvistu/-i
līdz 31.jūlijam, 2020, Latvija
Baltic Analog Lab
Biedrība "Baltic Analog Lab" meklē uzticamu un kārtīgu cilvēku BAL kino arhīva veidošanā, kārtošanā un arhivēšanā. BAL krājumā ir ap simts 16mm un 8mm Latvijas dažādu laiku amatieru kino filmas, kuras projekta "Kultūrelpa" ietvaros ir paredzēts saarhivēt un digitalizēt.
Vieglas formas pasākums
Live: Škicas (LT)
12. jūnijs, 2020, Latvija
Vieglas formas pasākums ar mākslinieku sarunām un muzikālo noformējumu no Lietuviešu drauga - Škicas.
Film Screening
Baltic-Nordic Analogue Labs' Screening
28 February 2020, Norway
Kunstakademiet, Norway
Screening of films from the Baltic-Nordic Analogue Film Lab Network, hosted by Polar Film Lab.
Filmu skate
Eksperimentālā Kino Programma
22. februāris, 2020, Latvija
Wiktorija, Rīga
22.02.2020.Baltic Analog Lab viesosies Kultūras nams Wiktorija Liepājā ar filmu programmu un radošo 16mm bezkameras kino darbnīcu Ieva Balode vadībā.
Film Screening
BalticNordic Films
18 January 2020, Finland
Filmverkstaden, Finland
Baltic Analog Lab joins a programme that consists of experimental films from analog film collectives in Sweden – STPLN and the Baltic States – Spongé Lab and Baltic Analog Lab – a collective of artists and filmmakers who chose analog film as a material to explore the cinematic essence of artistic filmmaking.
Vieglas formas pasākums
BAL Ziemassvētki
20 December 2019, Latvia
Baltic Analog Lab
Baltic Analog Lab aicina draugus un kolēģus uz kopīgu pirmssvētku ballīti šo piektdien, 20. decembrī plkst. 19:00.
Film Screening
Luminous Void
6-7 December 2019, Ireland
Cork, Ireland
Baltic Analog Lab will present a special female filmmakers programme at second edition of Luminous Void Experimental film festival in Cork, Ireland this December 6-7, 2019 organised by Experimenal Film Society.
Film Screening
Almost No Memory
16 November 2019, Latvia
Baltic Analog Lab
Baltic Analog Lab invites to a film programme curated by Canadian born Latvian curator and writer from Londond Erik Martinson who brings three films by three filmmakers - Lydia Nsiah, Sarah Forrest, and Sky Hopinka dealing with the subject of memory and remembering through cinematic perspective.
Chernobyl slideshow
1 November 2019, Latvia
Baltic Analog Lab
Baltic Analog Lab invites you to an analog slide photography screening. Through the eyes of three photographers, we will visit the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.
Film Screening
Nostalgia: Analog Media Festival
12 October 2019, Sweden
Stpln - Stapelbädden, Sweden
A celebration of analog techniques to create visual and audible media and art. This program is a collaborative effort featuring workshops, intro courses, a screening program, live cinema performance and photo exhibition.
Film Screening
4 October 2019, Latvia
Baltic Analog Lab
Baltic Analog Lab invites to a film screening with Melissa Dullius from artist duo Distruktur who will present their films which has been made using analog film.
Screening and Performance
27-28 September 2019, Sweden
Stockholm, Sweden
We are taking part in this years AVANT festival with a film programme of Baltic Analog Lab members as well as expanded cinema performance
Film Screening
The division of Love
13 August 2019, Latvia
Baltic Analog Lab
Baltic Analog Lab invites to a film screening with researcher and curator Almudena Escobar López from USA accompanied with two filmmakers - Amber Bemak and D'Angelo Madsen Minax. The films presented in “The division of Love” unearth the artificial relationship between social and economic powers.